DB2 Java Stored Procedures
IBM DB2 Application Development Guide
- SQL statements embedded in a host language, including embedded SQL for Java (SQLJ)
- dynamic APIs including Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Perl DBI, and DB2 Call Level Interface (DB2 CLI)
This book discusses all these ways to access data except DB2 CLI, which is discussed in the CLI Guide and Reference. JDBC, SQLJ, and DB2 CLI provide some data access capabilities that are not available through embedded SQL. These capabilities include scrollable cursors and stored procedures that return multiple result sets. See the discussion in Access to Data to help you decide which data access method to use.
To effectively utilize the information in this book to design, write, and test your DB2 application programs, you need to refer to the SQL Reference along with this book. If you are using the DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) or Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface in your applications to access DB2 databases, refer to the CLI Guide and Reference. To perform database manager administration functions using the DB2 adminstration APIs in your application programs, refer to the Administrative API Reference.
You can also develop applications where one part of the application runs on the client and another part runs on the server. Version 6 of DB2 introduces support for stored procedures with enhanced portability and scalability across platforms. Stored procedures are discussed in Stored Procedures...........
Information Modeling
Introduction to Databases for web developers
- Analytical databases
- Operational databases.
Let's examine each type
Analytic databases (a.k.a. OLAP- On Line Analytical Processing) are primarily static, read-only databases which store archived, historical data used for analysis. For example, a company might store sales records over the last ten years in an analytic database and use that database to analyze marketing strategies in relationship to demographics.
On the web, you will often see analytic databases in the form of inventory catalogs such as the one shown on the previous page from Amazon.com. An inventory catalog analytical database usually holds descriptive information about all available products in the inventory.
Web pages are generated dynamically by querying the list of available products in the inventory against some search parameters. The dynamically-generated page will display the information about each item (such as title, author, ISBN) which is stored in the database.
Sybase SQL Server 11 Unleashed
- System Administrators will learn how to install and administer SQL Server. You will also learn about important standards and protocols to ensure that SQL Server applications can be maintained and supported for the long haul.
- Database Administrators will learn to make the best use of SQL Server objects and datatypes and will learn to write effective stored procedures and triggers. The “Performance And Tuning” section of the book will help you understand what’s going on under the hood of the server, including a detailed analysis of the query optimizer and the physical storage mechanisms used by SQL Server. You can start to understand what performance you can reasonably expect with SQL Server so that you can focus on problems that you can really fix and on practical solutions.
- Programmers will learn how to write code that runs well on SQL Server and will acquire a complete understanding of how the server interprets SQL statements when running. We also provide a solid foundation for your work in C and Visual Basic with DB-Library, ct-Library, and ODBC in the “Introduction to Open Client Programming” section of this book.
Database Programming with Perl
- Flat-file text databases
- Associative flat-file databases such as Berkeley DB
- Relational databases
- Object databases
- Network databases
- Hierarchical databases such as LDAP
Relational databases are by far the most useful type commonly available, and this training module focusses largely on them, after looking briefly at flat file text databases.
Building a Database-Driven Web Site Using PHP and MySQL
Introduction to Structured Query Language
Structured Query Language(SQL)
The Structured Query Language, SQL is a query language which is used with relational databases. This chapter starts by describing some of the terms used in data processing and how they relate to SQL. The later part of this chapter describes relational databases and how SQL is used to query them.
"A Collection of Related Data": Databases and Database Management Systems.
Let's start from basics. What is a database? In very general terms, a database is a collection of related data. Notice the word related, this implies that the collection of letters on this page do not by themselves constitute a database. But if we think of them as a collection of letters arranged to form words, then they can be conceptualised as data in a database. Using similar reasoning, we can also say that a tome such as a telephone directory is also a database. It is a database first, because it is a collection of letters that form words and second, because it is an alphabetical listing of people's names, their addresses and their telephone numbers. How we think of a database depends on what use we want to make of the information that it contains.
Data Transfer Strategies
Oracle™ Unleashed
Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems
SQL Server 2000 Administrator's Pocket Consultant
- How SQL Server 2000 works with your hardware
- What versions and editions of SQL Server 2000 are available
- How SQL Server 2000 works with Microsoft Windows-based operating systems
- What administration tools are available
SQL Server 2000 and Your Hardware
Successful database server administration depends on three things:
- Good database administrators
- Strong database architecture
- Appropriate hardware
The first two ingredients are covered: you're the administrator, you're smart enough to buy this book to help you through the rough spots, and you've enlisted SQL Server 2000 to provide your high-performance relational database management system (RDBMS) needs. This brings us to the issue of hardware. SQL Server 2000 should run on a system with adequate memory, processing speed, and disk space. You also need an appropriate data and system protection plan at the hardware level.
Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2000 Administrator's Pocket Consultant (It-Administrator's Pocket Consultant)
Practical PostgreSQL
Data Mining Desktop Survival Guide
SQL Fundamentals
The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises one of the fundamental building blocks of modern database architecture. SQL defines the methods used to create and manipulate relational databases on all major platforms. At first glance, the language may seem intimidating and complex but it's really not all that bad. In a series of articles over the next few weeks we'll explore the inner workings of SQL together. By the time we're through, you'll have the fundamental knowledge you need to go out there and start working with databases!
SQL for Web Nerds
SQL - Structured Query Language
JCC's SQL Standards Page
- Current Status
- Parts of the SQL Standard and Timeline
- Definition of the Parts
- Timeline
- Number of Pages Devoted to Each Part
- How to Get Copies of the Standards
- The SQL Standards Process
XML Query Language (XQL)
The XSL pattern language ( http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl, section 2.6) provides an extremely understandable way to describe a class of nodes to process. It is declarative rather than procedural. One simply describes the types of nodes to look for using a simple pattern modeled after directory notation. For example, book/author means find author elements contained in book elements.
SQL Tutorial By SQLCourse2.com
Gradiance SQL Tutorial
- Basics - the SELECT-FROM-WHERE framework for SQL queries
- Null Values and Aggregation - dealing with NULL values in SQL tables; aggregating column values
- Grouping and Ordering - GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses
- Join queries - multi-table queries involving join operations
- Aggregation and NULL values in join queries - grouping and aggregation across multiple tables; NULL values and outer-join operations
- Subqueries - notion of queries embedded in other queries; IN, NOT IN, ANY, ALL and EXISTS operations
The estimated duration for the tutorial is from 30 to 60 hours, spread over a total of 150 slides, 30 problems to solve (in the quizzes) and 50 programming exercises to work on (in the lab projects). The material is organized into six lesson packages, with associated quizzes and lab projects, so that each item can be handled in a short session...........
Using Oracle 8
Welcome to Using Oracle8! This book identifies the many functions an Oracle DBA needs to perform on an Oracle8 database and explains how to do them as efficiently and effectively as possible. You learn about the key functions of database administration, including installing the product, designing and creating a database and its tablespaces, designing and creating the tables and other objects that make up an Oracle database, designing and executing a good backup strategy with a recovery methodology, and monitoring and tuning performance. You also learn about creating and maintaining users and performing an upgrade to Oracle8, as well as other tasks that you may need in your position as DBA. You also learn when and how to use the various tools Oracle8 provides to assist you in database management, performance monitoring and tuning, data loading, backup and recovery, and data export and import.
Developing Client/Server Applications with Oracle
Sams Oracle Unleashed
When I first started using Oracle many years ago, it was possible to know the database and the tools available. With the rash of recent releases of different options for the database and the spate of new tools, only people who wear their underpants over their trousers will be able to know everything there is to know about the Oracle products. If you were an experienced Oracle developer three years ago and since then have been locked away—not able to see the new Oracle versions of the database and tools—there will be very little that you will recognize today. Along with changes in other computing technologies, the rate of change with Oracle is constantly increasing, which is all the more interesting for us who get turned on by the software. You'll get a running start with the pages that follow.
Oracler Programming with Visual Basicr
This is an unusual book as far as computer literature goes in that it covers two quite separate areas of information technology. Many good books are available on Oracle, although nearly every one is designed as a source of information for database administrators. There are probably more books on Visual Basic than any other topic except perhaps the Web, but you will rarely see the word “Oracle” in the indexes. The lack of information is what I found myself dealing with a few years ago. Even with my strong background in Visual Basic (version 3 at the time), I found getting myself connected to an Oracle database and making it perform efficiently and effectively posed a problem that needed an answer.
Oracle Performance Tuning and Optimization
Database management software and the manipulation of data has evolved to where it touches every aspect of our lives. A day doesn’t go by in which we don’t access a database. Whether we are withdrawing money from an ATM machine, opening a checking account, or purchasing groceries, every aspect of our lives is affected by databases. Hand in hand with the new power of information comes the frustration of having to wait for data to be retrieved. I’m sure there isn’t a person today who hasn’t had to wait for a credit card to be approved. Although the speed of computers has been increasing every year, so has the amount of data being manipulated. Amounts of data that several years ago were unheard of are now a daily part of many companies. In years past, databases were used strictly in the realm of big business because large mainframes cost millions of dollars; today, gigabytes of data are being manipulated on the same types of computer you may have in your own home.
Oracle 8 Black Book
Appendix—Provides a reference for DBA_ and V$ views and ($) dollar tables.
Developing Personal Oracle7ยช for Windows[rm]95 Applications, Second Edition
This book is about a the version of the Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS) called Personal Oracle7. Personal Oracle7 is a version of the Oracle product that runs on top of Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows 3.11. Even though Personal Oracle7 is a PC-based version of the Oracle RDBMS, Personal Oracle7 provides almost the same features that exist in the versions of the Oracle RDBMS for large computer systems. As a result, Personal Oracle7 is an excellent tool for developers who intend to design applications for the Oracle RDBMS.
Special Edition Using Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
All of data processing is involved with the operations of storing and retrieving data. A database, such as Microsoft SQL Server, is designed as the central repository for all the data of an organization. The crucial nature of data to any organization underlines the importance of the method used to store it and enable its later retrieval.
Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, Second Edition
The first 14 days of this book show you how to use SQL to incorporate the power of modern relational databases into your code. By the end of Week 1, you will be able to use basic SQL commands to retrieve selected data.
Interactive SQL tutorial
What is Sql?
The Rise of Relational Databases
Relational Databases
A database is simply organized data. A database contains tables which are basically descriptions of types of data. Tables in turn contain records which is the actual data......
RDBMS - Relational Database Management Systems
- Based on "freeness." - There are commercial packages (sold for a price), and there are free software database systems (that do not cost anything to acquire). This is fairly closely correlated to availability of usable source code, which is another legitimate interpretation of "freeness."
- Compatibility/Means of Functioning -
- xBASE - This is traditionally a "PC" oriented system, of which the first version was known as Vulcan, and ran under CP/M . It was later renamed dBase, and later versions and competitors have followed.
The system model generally involves data structured in a dual fashion similar to ISAM databases with "data" files containing data, and "index" files containing index information. Applications access data directly by reading the files. Newer versions have a network locking system to manage contention for files and/or records if multiple users try to access data simultaneously, but there is still contention inherent in that many programs are accessing the same files simultaneously.
More modern systems use "extent-based" allocation systems to better support the handling of tuples of varying sizes. - SQL - Structured Query Language - Ingres was the progenitor of the modern "query language," with its QUEL query language; a similar query language was then designed that we now know as SQL. SQL is arguably inferior to QUEL, as QUEL had a syntax that is simultaneously simpler and more powerful than that of SQL.
The system model typically involves there being a central database manager "engine" or "process;" application programs do not have direct access to the data. This allows data to be relatively protected from corruption/misuse by rogue processes.
Dilip's Brief Introduction to Relational Databases
Using Oracle PL/SQL
Basic Structure of PL/SQL
/* Declarative section: variables, types, and local subprograms. */
/* Executable section: procedural and SQL statements go here. */
/* This is the only section of the block that is required. */
/* Exception handling section: error handling statements go here. */
MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual
Copyright 1997-2006 MySQL AB
This is the Reference Manual for the MySQL Database System, version 5.1, through release 5.1.12-beta. It is not intended for use with older versions of the MySQL software due to the many functional and other differences between MySQL 5.1 and previous versions. If you are using an earlier release of the MySQL software, please refer to the MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual, which covers the 5.0 series of MySQL software releases, or to MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual, which covers the 3.23, 4.0, and 4.1 series of MySQL software releases. Differences between minor versions of MySQL 5.1 are noted in the present text with reference to release numbers (5.1.x).
Because this manual serves as a reference, it does not provide general instruction on SQL or relational database concepts. It also does not teach you how to use your operating system or command-line interpreter.
The MySQL Database Software is under constant development, and the Reference Manual is updated frequently as well. The most recent version of the manual is available online in searchable form at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/. Other formats also are available there, including HTML, PDF, and Windows CHM versions.........
Getting Started with MySQL
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